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Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment in Minneapolis, MN

Nuvell Clinics understands the importance of looking and feeling your best from the inside out. Our vaginal rejuvenation procedures are available to women in Minneapolis, MN and the surrounding communities who are interested in reviving the most intimate areas of their lives. Learn more about the many treatment options and schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more. 

What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation refers to procedures and treatments that aim to treat common vaginal health issues, including urinary incontience, vaginal laxity and dryness. The vagina is a key region of the body for women at every stage of life. However, with time, age can take a toll on this vital reproductive organ, causing the tissue to become loose and weak. Although this is a natural process that happens over time, other factors such as childbirth and menopause can impact the overall wellbeing of the vagina.

If you feel that your vagina is no longer functioning as optimally as you would like, vaginal rejuvenation could be for you. While there are a variety of vaginal rejuvenation treatments available, all have a similar goal of restoring this most intimate area of the body to its former feeling of vivacity, while boosting your confidence.

What Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Treat?

Given the variety of vaginal rejuvenation techniques available, treatable conditions may vary. However, in general, vaginal rejuvenation is known to address:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Elongated labia
  • Decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse

If you have a vaginal health concern and are curious as to whether vaginal rejuvenation can help, we recommend you contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation. This will allow one of our medical professionals to thoroughly assess your condition and determine the best plan of action.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Options

  • FemiLift™ – One of the most popular and trusted vaginal rejuvenation techniques available, FemiLift™ is a gentle yet effective laser treatment. While FemiLift™ is FDA-approved to treat post-menopausal atrophy with dyspareunia, it has also been successful with alleviating symptoms of urinary incontinence, decreasing the risk of pelvic prolapse, and increasing natural lubrication and blood flow to the treatment area.
  • O-Shot® – Successfully reaching an orgasm is an important part of sexual intercourse. As a result, decreased sensation in the vagina that leads to fewer orgasms can make even the most passionate relationship feel strained. Fortunately, the O-Shot® can help. In this technique, the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma is injected into an area of the vagina near the clitoris to help enhance sensation in the area and revive sexual pleasure. In some cases, we may also use the O-Shot® to address urinary incontinence, depending on the patient’s needs.
  • Non-Invasive Labia Reduction – Whether due to childbirth, age or genetics, it is not uncommon for the labia to appear unusually long. And while some women do not mind this, those that would prefer their labia to have less of a presence can rest assured that non-invasive labia reduction can help. Our team uses the FemiLift™ technique to help reduce labia size without the need for surgery or extensive downtime.

What Can I Expect During My Appointment?

At Nuvell Clinics, we strive to provide the most comprehensive, thoughtful care to all of our patients. Our female staff understands the very personal nature of your procedure, and will go to great lengths to ensure that you are comfortable and well-informed throughout the entire process.

Typically, vaginal rejuvenation is convenient and efficient, fitting seamlessly into your day. Although the total appointment time will vary depending on your procedure, our patients find scheduling hassle-free. Due to the fact that these procedures take place in a highly sensitive area, topical anesthetics are available.

How Long Do Vaginal Rejuvenation Results Last?

It is important to keep in mind that results are highly individualized and depend both on the selected treatment and the patient’s unique body. However, the results of our vaginal rejuvenation treatments can last 12 – 18 months.

If you are considering a vaginal rejuvenation treatment, Nuvell Clinics is here to help. Led by Dr.Shelly Friedman, our team is the number one provider of FemiLift™ in the country, and well-versed in the many methods of vaginal rejuvenation available. Our complimentary consultations can offer greater insight into the vaginal rejuvenation technique that will be best for your specific concerns. We are conveniently located for women in Minneapolis, Maple Grove, and the surrounding Minnesota communities. Contact us today to learn more.

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