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PRP Therapy in Minneapolis, MN

Hair loss is a common condition impacting men and women alike. Thinning hair can lead to lowered self confidence and less willingness to go after your goals. If you are seeking hair restoration treatment from a practice you can trust, Nuvell Clinics is here to help. Our team offers PRP therapy to individuals in Minneapolis, Maple Grove, and the neighboring Minnesota communities. Find out how we can help you.

What is PRP Therapy?

Today, there are countless hair restoration techniques available, depending on your specific needs. At Nuvell Clinics, PRP therapy is a popular and trusted choice for many individuals. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is believed to promote new cell growth and encourage the body’s natural healing process. When used for hair loss, PRP stimulates hair growth in the thinning area, working naturally with your body to regenerate thick and healthy hair.

How Does PRP Therapy Work?

PRP therapy for hair restoration works similarly to PRP therapy in other areas of the body. A sample of the patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge, to separate the PRP. Once separated, the PRP is then injected into the treatment site, where it will begin stimulating new hair growth in the thinning area. As cell growth is generated, new hair begins to appear, providing a natural yet impressive transformation. In some cases, follow-up treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results. However, our team will discuss all of the details of the procedure with you during your complimentary consultation, so you feel fully informed of what to expect.

What Are the Benefits of PRP Therapy?

With so many hair restoration options available, what makes PRP therapy stand out? Here are a few of the benefits of this procedure:

  • Low risk of infection—Since the procedure uses your own blood, there is very little risk of allergic reaction or rejection of the treatment.
  • High success rate—Our patients have great success with this procedure, as it works well in a variety of individuals.
  • Minimally invasive—Unlike surgery, a PRP injection is quick and relatively comfortable.
  • No downtime—Patients can return to work and other daily activities immediately following the procedure.
  • Natural results—Due to the fact that PRP therapy works with the body’s own healing process, results will become noticeable approximately three months after the procedure, with the full effects taking shape within a year. This creates a natural look in which you can feel confident.

How Long Do Results of PRP Therapy for Hair Loss Last?

Outcomes will vary depending on the individual. However, in most cases, our patients return for maintenance appointments roughly every six months to ensure that they maintain the most satisfying results.

At Nuvell Clinics, we offer PRP therapy to individuals seeking a solution to their thinning hair. If you are in need of hair restoration, rest assured that when you work with us, you will be in good hands. Our office is conveniently located for residents of Minneapolis, Maple Grove, and the surrounding Minnesota communities. To learn more and to schedule your complimentary consultation, contact us.

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