Whether we like it or not, we all age. Fortunately, there are many anti-aging procedures available to help soften the blow of time. Historically, many of these procedures have specifically targeted a female market. This led many to wonder; do women show their age more dramatically than men? The short answer is no: the rate at which an individual visibly ages relies upon a variety of factors, including genetics, hormone levels, and lifestyle choices. While in general, men may experience a decrease in testosterone later than women experience a decrease in estrogen, this does not necessarily mean that women always age faster.
However, for those who are unhappy with how aging has influenced their appearance, we offer a variety of treatments to help pause time.
- Botox® – For many women, signs of age show up in the face, specifically in wrinkles and lines around the eyes and mouth—called expression lines. Although this is a common occurrence, if it makes you feel less than beautiful, Botox® can help. By relaxing the facial muscles that cause expression, you’ll decrease the appearance of current lines and prevent new ones from forming. In case you’re concerned that your face will be completely frozen, don’t worry. We’ll make sure your results are as natural-looking and impressive as possible.
- Kybella® – Another frequent complaint from our female clientele is loose and sagging skin under the chin. Fortunately, Kybella® was designed to reduce the appearance of the double chin, creating the sleek, sculpted and youthful look you may prefer. Once injected, Kybella® works to break down fat cells for good, so you can reach your aesthetic goals and relieve the burden of embarrassment and discomfort from your life.
- Juvederm® – Known for its ability to add volume to the face, Juvederm® is a hyaluronic acid filler that can lift the cheeks, revive the lips and reduce the appearance of parentheses lines around the mouth. In many cases, patients are able to see the results of this procedure for one year or more.
The truth is that aging will happen, for men and women, at very individual times. However, when it does, you should have confidence that there are treatments available to help you maintain your youthful look and continue to live your life to the fullest. At Nuvell Clinics, we have helped countless patients in Scottsdale and the surrounding Arizona communities reduce signs of aging, and are ready to do the same for you. If you have questions, or are ready to take the next step, do not hesitate to contact us.