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Hair Restoration in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Shelly Friedman is a board-certified dermatologist and the medical director of Nuvell Clinics. Hair restoration treatments by Dr. Friedman and his staff are available at our Scottsdale Institute for Cosmetic Dermatology sister business for residents of Scottsdale, Phoneix and all throughout Arizona.

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration for men has been around for decades, and advances in therapies now give men and women better options for addressing the emotional and physical effects of hair loss. Dr. Friedman has chosen the most advanced hair restoration treatments available.

What are the Benefits of Hair Restoration?

  • Restores confidence
  • Promotes natural hair growth pattern
  • No extensive surgery needed
  • Recommended for men and women

How is Hair Restoration Performed?

Laser hair therapy and PRP therapy are two of the most popular hair restoration treatments. Laser hair therapy uses high intensity light energy to stimulate hair follicles. There is no discomfort with these treatments. You simply relax and let the system do the work. PRP therapy capitalizes on the powerful nature of platelets in your own blood. We draw a small amount of blood, process it to separate the plasma, and inject the plasma into your scalp. The plasma contains growth factors that may stimulate hair follicles to produce new, thicker, healthier hairs.

What Should I Expect from Hair Restoration?

Results from non-surgical hair restoration may take two months or longer to produce noticeable results. This is an advantage for men and women who do not want a dramatic, “overnight” change that occurs with surgery, but a gradual change that keep people guessing.

What is the Downtime After Hair Restoration?

Our hair restoration treatments require no downtime. Dr. Friedman will explain your course of treatment during the consultation.

How Much Does Hair Restoration Cost?

The cost of hair restoration varies, so we prefer to discuss these details during the consultation so that we can provide accurate information. In the meantime, please learn more about our financing options.

Nuvell Clinics is a medical spa that specializes in hair restoration for men and women in Phoenix, Scottsdale and surrounding areas of Arizona. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our medical director, board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Shelly Friedman.

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