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Does Non-Surgical Body Contouring Last in Maple Grove, MN?

Body Sculpting & Fat Removal in Minneapolis, MNNon-surgical body contouring and sculpting is a common procedure among Maple Grove residents, thanks in large part to the professional services offered by the qualified staff at Nuvell Clinics.

Which Non-Surgical Body Contouring Services Does Nuvell Clinics Offer?

If you’re interested in sculpting and contouring the look of your face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, or other areas, Nuvell Clinics is pleased to offer the vShape Ultra procedure.

Instead of temporarily reducing fat cells through traditional methods like diet and exercise, this treatment takes only 30 to 45 minutes and uses radio frequencies to gradually break them down and permanently eliminate them from the body.

Specifically, it works by heating the inner layer of your skin and stimulating the production of collagen. This results in skin that feels tighter, looks smoother, is more elastic and more radiant, and appears meaningfully younger.

Together, this is why professionals refer to vShape Ultra as an ‘energy-based fat removal treatment’ that eliminates the possibility of scarring and discomfort from surgery, and also requires no downtime.

Who’s the Ideal Non-Surgical Body Contouring Candidate?

The vShape Ultra treatment is perfect for anyone, with any skin type, who’s close to their ideal weight, but still have areas of fat unresponsive to diet and exercise.

During the skin tightening and body contouring procedure, you’ll remain comfortable and shouldn’t feel more than a gentle warming sensation at the application site. There are zero side effects to worry about.

How Long do vShape Ultra Non-Surgical Body Contouring Results Last?

Following this painless, FDA-approved treatment, patients can go about their normal lives, although it may take several weeks for maximum results to become visible. In fact, you can expect the best results around three months afterward.

In some instances, patients report continued improvement for 2-3 months, after which point it might be necessary to undergo additional vShape Ultra treatments (we often recommend as many as five).

Learn More About Non-Surgical Body Contouring

In your specific instance, how long can you expect non-surgical body contouring results to last? The first step toward finding real-world answers is scheduling a complimentary consultation with the professional staff at Nuvell Clinics in Maple Grove. At this time, we can discuss your needs, overall expectations and potential costs.

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